Leak Detection Services
Have you noticed water stains, or has your water bill been higher than normal? You might need leak detection services. American Plumbing has an experienced team, that’s seen just about everything. Leaks are absolutely dreadful, and within minutes can flood your entire house. So if you think you might have a leak, don’t wait to get leak detection services, the longer you linger on, the higher a chance you have of turning your house into a pool. As fun as it might sound, it could cost you thousands of dollars in damages, and lead to having to replace, flooring, furniture, and expensive electronics such as TV’s, and sound systems.
How can you identify that you need leak detection services, before it’s too serious? There are a few tell tale identifiers that you can, and should always keep an eye out for. Increases in your water bill; if your water bill has become than what your normally used to paying, don’t just shrug it off, and think “maybe we’ve just been using more water” this is one of the first indicators you could have a leak, a good way to be sure that you have a leak is to go outside to your water meter, (make sure the house isn’t using any water) if the meter is running and the house isn’t using any water, this is a telltale sign that you have a hidden leak, and need leak detection services. Discoloration on the walls; this discoloration can include dark rings or even other color changes, that you have purposely made, could be indicators that you have a leak, sometimes they can be from the roof, or the pipes, which is why it’s important to get leak detection services, so the problem can be correctly identified, and fixed.
Random wet and saggy floors; if your floors are wet or sagging, you could have a leak. If you step on the floor, and notice that it’s sagging, you could have a leak. Floor sagging is a sign of advanced leaks. Immediately call leak detection services, and save yourself thousands in repairs. The last and most dangerous sign is mold and mildew odor. These last two can be very hazardous to the health of you and your family, due to the constant flow of water, thanks to the leak, a favorable environment is created, and mold and mildew begin to thrive. With these come serious health issues, such as allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues. If the moisture continues, black mold could form; black mold is one of the most toxic forms of mold, it can lead to Chronic coughing and sneezing, irritation to the eyes, mucus membranes of the nose and throat, rashes, chronic fatigue and persistent headaches.
If you’ve noticed any of these issues in your home, we urge to call American Plumbing, for leak detection services, our experienced staff, and technicians, can assist you in saving money. The longer you wait the more expensive your repairs, and damages can be. Don’t put your family in danger by exposing them to toxic mold. Call American Plumbing today, for leak detection services. 954-585-106